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Welcome to St. Benedict Orthodox Church


Welcome to the website of St. Benedict Orthodox Church!


We are a parish of the ROCOR Diocese of Chicago and Mid-America under the omophorion of His Grace, Archbishop Peter. We invite you to join us in worship as often as possible. Our service times are as follows:



Vespers - 5:00 pm

Confessions are heard at the conclusion of Vespers



3rd and 6th Hours - 9:10 am

Divine Liturgy - 9:30 am


Please join us for Coffee Hour in the Parish Hall after Divine Liturgy.


Please follow our Facebook page or subscribe to our email list for current information about Feast Day services, special events, and other parish news.




St. Benedict Orthodox Church

(405) 215-2698


3900 Jones Blvd

Oklahoma City, OK 73135-2527

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©2024 by St. Benedict Orthodox Church.

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